Thoughts from the front

I'm a soldier in Iraq and I call em as I see em.

January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

Well I have been enjoying my leave over Christmas and New Years, seeing my wife as well as both of our families. Its been nice just being "normal," even if it is only for a few more days. I have decided to post my resolutions here and I wanted to also remind you to check out the new blog as well.
My resolutions are as follows:
1. Read through the entire Bible this year
2. Read 12 books
3. Journal and blog about what I am reading in the Bible and the books
4. Change my diet and exercise so I will lose 25 pounds my years end.
5. Come home in one piece in the next few months

There they are folks. Have a good new year and set your own resolutions.
Dont forget to check out the new blog where I will be blogging about false teachings currently invading the church, theology, and what I am reading as well as what is playing in my iPod.

Happy New Year!


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