Thoughts from the front

I'm a soldier in Iraq and I call em as I see em.

January 17, 2007

Goals for this extention

As you all are aware by now, my tour in Iraq has been extended, along with the rest of the MN National Guard. I am a little down as we were around two months away from getting out of here. We were all very disappointed with a certain person in the Pentagon who decided, for political reasons I'm sure, that it was more important to contact the media and break the story to them before anything was said to a single soldier. The units morale took a big hit because we all found out through worried family members asking us "what do you mean your getting extended?" To which our response was, what are you talking about? We finally get the official word today that we are being extended and we will be here until the beginning of August at the latest. There is talk of leave being available as well as a four day pass.
Many of my fellow soldiers have decided that this news calls for a new toy or something to help us cope with the fact that we are going to be here about another seven months or so. I'm no different; I enrolled to retake two classes from Northwestern College that I failed. I could most certainly have bought a PlayStation 2 and sat in my room and played baseball all day. This idea had crossed my mind when I was home during Christmas. I just no longer have it in me to just sit in front of the TV all day and play a game, especially when I stare at a computer screen when I am at work anyway.
My motivation and morale are low (which is not to be confuse that with my morals), as is everyone else’s. It’s hard if not impossible not to feel a little depressed. But here is my fix and what I have decided to do; first is to go work out everyday but Sunday. My goal in the next six months is to lose thirty pounds and come home with “six pack abs.” A six pack is a lot lighter than this “party ball keg” I’m dragging around right now. I will require a lot of work, eating healthy as well as commitment and dedication.
Another goal is to read and blog thru the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in the time left. I also want to pass my to courses, New Testament Archeology and Church History with no lower than a B, an A is what I am shooting for though. By doing these I hope to deepen my relationship with God and strengthen my walk with God as it has slipped a bit over the past three and half months. I must spend time daily reading the Word of God, (the Bible) and spend time every day in prayer, at the very least once a day.
My language needs to change as well as my attitude. I have six months to make this transformation and build a more solid foundation of faith. (As I write this I just ripped open a small bag of candy, tisk, tisk, tisk, I say. That’s what I have to stop, especially since I have a good dinner waiting to be heated up. Like I said, I must work on my self discipline.


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