Thoughts from the front

I'm a soldier in Iraq and I call em as I see em.

February 02, 2007

The will and resolve to win

With everything that is going on in the United States, Florida was hit by a tornado this morning. Boston thought it was under a possible terror threat thanks to Ted Turner and the stupid cartoon network. Not to mention the New York Times had the audacity to show pictures and the video of a fellow soldier being shot and killed, they are sorry they hurt the feelings of this soldier’s family. I’m sick and tired of the media rooting for defeat in Iraq as they did with the Korea Conflict and the Vietnam War. The tide is turning on two fronts, the frontlines here in Iraq as well as the home front.
What do I mean? Well newsflash the bad guys are fleeing Baghdad because here come more troops to root out the terrorists, THEY ARE FLEEING! Why? Because they know we will defeat them. The Iraqis, defeated 250 Shiite terrorist in an all day conflict. Yes they called in American reinforcements but that’s what you do in war, use every resource you have to defeat the enemy. Two Americans lost their lives, verses 250 bad guys. In the “bloody math of war” the ratio was 1:125! One American per 125 bad guys, that’s a huge victory. Another news flash we are winning over here! Hello where is that coverage on CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, New York Times, LA Times and all of the rest of the media that is bent on the United States military losing this war!
Instead its more doom and gloom on how poor the Iraqis have been trained and how poor security is in Iraq. So basically the media is saying that not only are the United States soldiers over here incompetent of fighting this war, we are also so incompetent that we cant even train Iraq soldiers and police on how to do our job. Is that what you are telling the American people? That Senator Kerry was right that we soldiers, many of whom are college graduates and many more will be once we get done with this two years of hell are to stupid and incompetent to train someone to do our job? That is almost as insulting as CNN and the NY Times showing video of snipers killing my comrades. Its sick!
The media tells us the reason the republicans lost so many seats in congress is because of the war. They show the anti-war protesters how defamed the nations capital by spray painting on the steps, as the right-minded people. Do the peace activists really think that Iraq is going to become a peaceful nation after we leave and Iran and Syria come in and try to take over so they can use Iraq as a terrorist training ground? When will American wake up? Do we need to be attacked on American soil again before we have the will and resolve to defeat evil? What would have happened if the “greatest generation” would have said oh the cost is to high. To many lives are being lost in Europe and besides this is something Europe needs to deal with. We need to talk to Mr. Hitler and find out why he hates the Jews and what we can do to maybe help stop the holocaust. They would not have been the greatest generation. Now their children of that generation are in power and they don’t have the same resolve their parents did.
They decided to undermine the Korean conflict and Vietnam war. My father in law, who I love and respect dearly, and his generation should have come home to a heroes welcome instead they were called baby killers, they were spit on, and discriminated against when they tried to get jobs. They were disgraced terribly and I fear that the way the media and other are portraying how awful this war is going, it will not be long until the vets of Iraq, will be treated the exact same way.


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