Thoughts from the front

I'm a soldier in Iraq and I call em as I see em.

August 21, 2006

I’m No Hero

15 August

In a few months I will be going home on leave and some time next year I will leave Iraq a “combat veteran,” I do not see myself as a hero. In World War II, Vietnam, and Korea soldiers fought long battles for days on end. They slept in the same trenches or foxholes they fought in, if they slept at all. They went days without hot showers and a warm bed. They marched straight into hell and many never marched out. The one common thing I share with them is that I am deployed half way around the world, fighting for the freedoms of another country, and people.
The reason I don’t consider myself a hero is because I have it so much easier than they did. I eat three hot meals a day, sleep in an air conditioned building, work out in the gym five days a week, use the pool, movie theater, and if I get tired of the chow hall I can eat at BK, Subway, Pizza Hut, or grab a cup of coffee at the coffee shop. There are internet cafes and phone centers I can use, daily. My missions are different from the men who fought before me, but I have more luxuries than any of them.
This war is very different then any the United States has ever fought. The enemy does not wear a uniform, which makes it easier for them to go unnoticed. The insurgents use roadside bombs and mortar or bases and they are constantly changing their tactics, and we change ours as well. As a side note the enemy will not be defeated through negotiations nor will negotiations win this war. If you don’t believe me ask Israel how well negotiations have worked in fighting Hezbollah.
This war is a long fight in which we cannot “cut and run,” and leave the Iraqi people to face a civil war. Yes over 2600 troops have died, one of which was my brothers best friend, however I believe we are winning the war, despite what the news media would have you to believe. I have talked to some Iraqis who want us here. Unlike many in the U.S they think President Bush is doing a good job and was correct in removing Saddam. Iraq must have a strong government and military in order to avoid an all out civil war. We need to continue to help the Iraqis and build up their military and finish the job.


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