Thoughts from the front

I'm a soldier in Iraq and I call em as I see em.

March 27, 2007

Another Birthday Passes

Its not often I have been outside the States when my birthday rolls around. I was suppose to be back home by then (did I mention that yet?) and it passed with very little fanfare. I received cards and emails and letters and such as well as a couple of packages, but all in all it was very uneventful and if I didn't mention it no one said anything. This is true about most of the guys here. I asked if I could go to Qatar on pass but the dates for March had already been handed out. That's fine since my civilians clothes arrived the day after I would have left.
The only real special "event" that happened was having the praise and worship band telling announcing my birthday to everyone in chapel service, note to self; telling the Chaplain today is your birthday ensures everyone will sing happy birthday. I was a bit embarrassing but it was nice to be remembered here. After service I went back to my room and slept since I had a 12 hour shift later. I enjoyed some very healthy Chicken wings and cheese sticks as well as a bowl of ice cream in the chow hall and around midnight or so I had a pizza. Nothing like eating oh so healthy on ones birthday. It was all so good. I've had about dozen or guys in my unit wish me happy birthday as well.
So how does it feel to be thirty-one? I really don't feel any different now than I did when I hit 25. The only time I fell old is when I start talking to some of the guys in my unit and they talk about turning 20 or 21 while we are here, there are few of us in the over in this unit. The other time I feel old is when I do a PT test and run two miles, its either being old or out of shape.
I'm looking forward to next year when Iraq is once again half a world away and I am looking into my wife's eyes over dinner. Oh what joy that will be!


Blogger Consecutive Odds said...

I miss you too!

7:13 PM  

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