Reasoning With Evil Men?
18 August
I was watching the Beltway Boys on Fox News and they flashed the results from a poll that was conducted. The pole said that roughly 60% of those poles thought we needed to pull our troops out of Iraq by years end or sooner. Only 33% of those polled said we need to remain in Iraq until the Iraqis are ready for us to leave. I agree that we need to stay here until the Iraqi government and its army can take control and stop the spread of sectarian violence on their own.
I believe this because, unlike those polled, I’m in Iraq and I have asked an Iraqi friend what needs to happen in order to avoid a civil war and put an end to the sectarian violence. He said a strong Iraqi government and military is the only way to avoid a civil war. Iraqis feel safe with a strong government and military, neither of which they have right now.
We cannot “cut and run!” If we do then we will show the terrorists that Americans are weak and all they have to do is “stay the course” and they will win. I want to remind everyone that on September 11th 2001, we were attacked by Muslim extremists that would not have been stopped by diplomacy. If diplomacy with terrorists is the answer the why is Israel being engaged by Hezbollah, a Muslin terrorist group. Why isn’t the United Nations the best and most successful organization in the world at stopping terrorism? It’s because diplomacy with terrorists and evil men in general does not work. Diplomacy did not work with Hitler and the Nazis and it will not work with Islamic terrorist. Sometimes evil men cannot be reasoned with.